Kurdistan Regional Government|The Services Portal
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Registration of vehicles or equipment legally imported from abroad. They are registered as temporary numbers in the provincial traffic departments and are given the number of the province where they are registered. The annuity granted to each vehicle is valid for five (5) years, after which it must be renewed.
Equalization of degrees involves the evaluation and comparison in terms of type, specialty and units of study of degrees obtained outside Iraq after high school (diploma, bachelor's degree, one-year and two-year diploma, master's degree, PhD). Holders of foreign degrees who wish to work with their degrees or continue their studies in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq must have their degrees equivalent to those of a university or institute in the Kurdistan Region.
Registration of a contract between an employer, which may be one or more ordinary or legal persons, with one or more ordinary or legal persons, for the performance of work, in the contract, under certain terms and conditions of rights and obligations of both ones, specifies for a fixed or indefinite period of time.
Registration is a contract between the seller and the buyer of a property, according to which the seller sells his property to the buyer, takes legal form and the contract is registered in the real estate registry offices, after receiving the acknowledgment of both parties.